First Time Business Owner

My name is Eric and my wife Megan Williams is opening this company to spread our passion for fitness with the rest of our community. Excercise is like anything and is planned into each of my days. I think if we want to live a longer life and spend more time doing the things we enjoy then we should take better care of ourselves. I want you and everyone reading this to know there is a time in everyone’s life for exercise. Being a bussiness owner it has made me realize how important every minute of my time is and how much of that time should be spent on each objective. I have two amazing boys a three and six-year-old and they make working so hard worth every minute. I can have a horrible day and one of my boys says something and makes me smile. If I could extend my life one second through exercise I am for it so why do so many of us keep making choices that are damaging our bodies and shortening our life span?

Eric Williams
About Fitness, L.L.C.
(321) 262-2341

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